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Emergency School Closing

As soon as the decision has been made to close school for an emergency or inclement weather, families will receive a message via Infinite Campus. (See directions for setting communication preferences within the Infinite Campus section). In addition, the local media will be notified that the Maple Dale-Indian Hill School District will be closed. 


School closing announcements are generally made as soon as a decision has been made by area superintendents. We encourage parents to wait for notification through these methods, allowing phone lines to remain free for emergency calls.


Days in which inclement weather causes us to close school will proceed according to the following:​

  • The first two days that school would have to close will be traditional snow days. 

  • Beyond the first two days, the school district will make the decision to go virtual based on the need to meet instructional minutes in keeping with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s required minutes of instruction. If instructional minutes can still be met with a traditional snow day, the district will act accordingly. Should instructional minutes become a concern, the district will communicate with families the need to move to virtual instruction.


We hope that this allows our students and families a balanced approach to snow/cold days.

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