Unlocking Potential...Together
Home of Maple Dale School,
A 2020 National Blue Ribbon
Schools Award Winner
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District News
Voters approved the proposed operational referendum question for the Maple Dale-Indian Hill School District on Tuesday, November 5. As a result, we will be able to raise our revenue limit by $1.75 million per year on a recurring basis. These critical funds will be leveraged to:
Maintain a budget that keeps pace with inflation and rising costs
Keep class sizes as low as possible and retain programs for students
Ensure we can keep up with facility maintenance to prevent the need for large capital projects in the future
Preserve our small community feel and enable MDIH to continue to be a top-tier destination school district for families and staff
We deeply appreciate the engagement of our community as we've worked together to address our operational needs. The approval of this referendum will allow us to maintain the exceptional educational experience our families and community have come to expect from MDIH schools.
Thank you for your support and helping us achieve our mission of:
Unlocking Potential...Together
~Timothy Joynt
According to 2025 Niche, both Maple Dale AND Indian Hill Schools were ranked #1 in the State of Wisconsin for public middle and elementary schools! What a great honor for our students, families, and staff! Thank you for helping us to Unlock Potential...Together!

I am proud to share with you the 2024-2025 Strategic Plan. For those who are new to the district, we use school board goals and measures to inform the development of strategic actions annually. As part of the process, we compile celebrations from the previous year and develop a plan to focus on for the coming academic year. This year’s plan celebrates numerous accomplishments we achieved last year and includes strategies to inspire practices that will make a difference in the lives of our students, families, and staff.
There are certainly many exciting things going on in the MDIH community! Please enjoy this year’s strategic plan.
Timothy Joynt
Congratulations to our students, staff, school board, and families on again achieving the highest rating of Significantly Exceeds Expectations as a district on the Wisconsin State Report Cards. This rating places MDIH in the top 4% of districts in the State of Wisconsin. As a district, we are committed to unlocking potential by growing intellect, building confidence, and strengthening character...together. Click here for more info.

Individuals interested in running for office must submit a Declaration of Candidacy and a Campaign Registration Statement to the School District Office at Maple Dale School no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Please note that office hours may be limited because of the holidays. Please call to ensure someone will be present.
Should you have any questions regarding this process, please contact Sue Simpson Bark in the district office at 414/351-7380 x1073.